Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your Liver

Have you ever felt fatigued and exhausted, but you didn’t know why? Now, I’m not going to suggest that liver damage is always the cause of fatigue. However, what I know for sure is that sometimes, too many toxins in your body cause your liver to go into overdrive. And your liver is not a robot.

Think about this for a second. When you work for more than 12 hours, do you feel fatigued? Do you need a rest? Well, your liver needs a rest as well. Especially if you are feeding it toxins. We live in a fast food era; we consume processed foods rich with toxins. And the liver is the organ that has to process all those toxins and flush them out of your system. They take their toll. So, from time to time, you need a liver cleanse.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverA superfood in so many ways, garlic is loaded with vitamins and minerals. I know most people are reluctant to eat garlic; they can’t stand the odor, or their stomach simply can’t process it. But I recommend you try to eat at least one clove per week.

Garlic helps mainly by activating enzymes that flush out toxins. The white bulb also contains selenium and allicin, two compounds that improve liver health.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverAny fruit that is high in vitamin C is great for a liver cleanse. But grapefruit is on the list because it contains lots of antioxidants in addition to vitamin C. Those two combined increase the cleansing process of your liver. One glass of grapefruit juice per day is more than enough to detox your liver. But remember, only natural grapefruit juice works.

Lemons and limes
Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverSpeaking of high vitamin C fruits, you can’t ignore lemons and limes, the gold standard for vitamin C. The best way to stimulate your liver is by drinking a glass of water with a squeezed lemon in it (I’ve talked about the benefits of lemon water previously).

Cleansing your liver is just one of the numerous health benefits of lemon water. Lemon helps by synthesizing toxins into compounds that water absorbs, after which they are flushed out of your system via urine.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverConsuming beets on a daily basis stimulates the function of the liver. And the more efficiently your liver works, the more toxins it flushes out of your system. And you know what that means: fewer toxins in your body.

Beets are rich in flavonoids and beta-carotene, two compounds that improve the health of your liver.

Cruciferous vegetables
Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverWe are into the vegetable section of foods that help with liver cleansing. And in that regard, you can’t ignore cruciferous vegetables.

Broccoli and cauliflower are the two best veggies from that group that you can consume. Both are rich in compounds that stimulate enzyme production in the liver. Without those enzymes, the liver may have trouble flushing out toxins.

Leafy green vegetables
Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverYou can’t talk about vegetables without leafy greens, one of the most powerful allies of your liver. You can eat leafy greens cooked, juiced, or even raw. They help by sucking up environmental toxins from your bloodstream. Leafy greens also help by neutralizing heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals. Spinach, mustard greens, and arugula are among the best at doing that.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverCabbage is part of the cruciferous vegetable family. However, when it comes to liver cleansing, it deserves its own section. Cabbage stimulates even more enzymes that help with liver cleansing and flushing out toxins.

If raw cabbage is too much for you, try eating cabbage soup.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverJust like lemons and grapefruit, apples are an excellent source of vitamin C. However, they are even more beneficial thanks to their richness in pectin, a chemical compound that helps the body cleanse and flush out toxins.

By consuming apples, you are helping your liver handle the toxin load.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverWe are talking about alternative grains here. That means quinoa and buckwheat, for example. Simply substitute your flour and wheat with grains like millet, buckwheat and quinoa.

The standard grains are usually high in toxins, mostly gluten. In the world of gluten-free diets, you need to make some changes.

Liver Cleanse: Signs of Liver Damage and How to Cleanse Your LiverMost nuts are good for a liver detox. However, walnuts are the only ones that contain arginine, an amino-acid that contain arginine, an amino-acid that helps the liver with ammonia, one of the deadliest toxins.In addition, walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which provide the liver with the ingredients for proper functioning.

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