5 Homemade Summer Face Masks for Smooth and Refreshed Skin

5 Homemade Summer Face Masks for Smooth and Refreshed Skin

You need to require special care of your skin during the summer to guard it from the damaging heat and sun exposure. Just a couple of minutes outdoors can adversely affect your skin.

Method 1: burn plant mask
The fact that it's one among the foremost common ingredients utilized in beauty products and natural remedies proves that burn plant is great for your skin. Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, it helps fight signs of premature aging, reduces dark spots and blemishes, treats acne and keeps your skin moisturized. It works well for treating sunburn and suntan also .

Honey offers antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and humectants benefits. Tanned skin, acne, scars, and spots are a couple of of the various skin problems which will be tackled with the assistance of this ingredient.

The soothing, moisturizing and antibacterial properties present during this mask will keep your skin fresh and healthy.

Things you’ll need:
Aloe vera gel – 1/4th cup
Honey – 1 tablespoon

Single-Step Treatment: Apply a paste of burn plant gel and honey on your face
Mix together 1/4th cup burn plant gel and 1 tablespoon of honey.
Apply the mixture on your face using an applicator brush.
Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing your face with cold water.
Use this aloe-honey mask 2-3 times every week for healthy glowing skin.

Method 2: Kiwi pack
Kiwi helps rejuvenate your skin and keep it firm and youthful. It also fights harmful free radicals and tackles skin issues like acne.

Almonds are loaded with essential nutrients required for healthy and radiant skin. These can assist you lookout of varied skin woes like signs of premature aging, dark circles, saggy skin and more. The almond powder also offers skin lightening and cleansing benefits.

The gram flour utilized in this pack will cleanse, exfoliate and brighten your skin. It are often used for removing a tan and keeping the skin moisturized.

Use this mask to urge bright, smooth and glowing skin this summer.

Things you’ll need:
Almonds (ground) – 8 to 10
Kiwi – ½
Gram flour – ½ tablespoon

Step 1. Add almond powder & gram flour to kiwi pulp
Mash ½ of a kiwi during a bowl.
Add the almond powder, made by grinding 8 to 10 almonds.
Add ½ tablespoon of gram flour to the opposite ingredients.

Step 2. Apply the mask to your face
Mix everything well to make a paste.
Wash your face with water.
Apply the paste on your face and leave it on for about quarter-hour .
Rinse it off with water.
You may use this remedy once every week .

5 Homemade Summer Face Masks for Smooth and Refreshed Skin

Method 3: Cucumber mask
Packed with beneficial minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients, cucumber provides all that you simply got to keep your skin nourished and refreshed within the summer. It helps reduce and control melanin, build collagen, fade scars and hydrate your skin. It’s cooling, soothing and healing properties are great for treating sunburns.

Cucumber also works well for controlling eye puffiness, tightening open pores, reducing dark circles and rejuvenating the skin. it's a light astringent and may aid in removing a tan, due to its mild bleaching properties.

While honey also helps keep the skin moisturized, healthy and nourished, yogurt clears the skin of dead cells and impurities, lightens blemishes, soothes sunburns, removes a suntan, reduces pigmentation and more.

Things you’ll need:
Cucumber (grated)– 1 tablespoon
Honey – 1 teaspoon
Yogurt – ½ teaspoon

Step 1. Mix the grated cucumber, honey, and yogurt together
Grate a cucumber and take 1 tablespoon of it during a bowl.
Add 1 teaspoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of yogurt.
Mix everything well.

Step 2. Apply the mask to your face
Use an applicator brush to use the mixture on your face and let it dry.
Keep it on for 15 to twenty minutes before washing your face.
For best results apply this mask 2 times every week .

Method 4: Watermelon mask
This amazing fruit offers much-needed relief from the scorching summer heat. It refreshes and rejuvenates your body and is great for your health. But did you recognize you'll also use watermelon juice for your skin?

The mineral, vitamins, antioxidants and high water content present in watermelon are effective in making your skin soft, supple and refreshed. It can help control oil secretion, treat acne and revitalize the skin. Watermelon is additionally popularly used as a natural toner and aids in preventing and reversing sun damage and removing a tan.

The concentrated properties present in powdered milk will keep your skin youthful and glowing. It acts as a cleanser and moisturizer. It helps improve the complexion, smoothen the skin and keep it hydrated.

Yogurt utilized in the mask helps in reducing the wrinkles and other signs of aging. Cucumber helps to appease irritated skin and also aids in water retention during the summer season. This homemade summer mask will assist you get the blemish-free, clear skin you’ve always wished for.

Things you’ll need:
Watermelon paste – 2 tablespoons
Cucumber juice – 1 tablespoon
Milk powder – 1 tablespoon
Yogurt – 1 tablespoon

Step 1. Combine the four ingredients
In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of watermelon paste and 1 tablespoon each of powdered milk , cucumber juice, and yogurt.

Step 2. Mix the ingredients & apply the paste on your face
Mix the ingredients well.
Apply the mask and let it sit for about quarter-hour .
Rinse your face with cold water.
Enjoy the soothing benefits of this watermelon mask once every week .

Method 5: Sandalwood & perfume mask
Sandalwood is understood to market healthy and smooth skin. it's widely utilized in face packs and masks. It acts as a cooling agent, reduces blemishes and removes a tan. Sandalwood is additionally effective in exfoliating the skin, preventing and curing acne, soothing sunburn and reducing signs of premature aging.

The perfume utilized in this mask comes with antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-aging and anti inflammatory benefits. aside from being pleasantly refreshing, it helps keep the skin moisturized, soothe irritation and itchiness, treat acne and maintain the pH balance of the skin.

Together, perfume and sandalwood make the right summer mask to stay your skin healthy and fresh.

Things you’ll need:
Sandalwood powder – 2 tablespoons
Rose water – enough to form a paste
Single-Step Treatment: Apply a paste of sandalwood powder and perfume on your face
Combine 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and enough perfume to form a paste.
Mix well.
Apply the paste to your face and let it dry.
Use 2 times every week . And rinse it off with water

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