10 Exercise Which Will Help You Burn Belly Fat Without Running Or Jogging!

The cardio exercises and hours and hours on the treadmill will only make your body smaller without shaping your body. Therefore, it is crucial to do the right exercises which will increase your strength and endurance. Moreover, proper exercises will tone and shape your body.

The following 10 exercises are considered to be the best exercises for toning the body and building lean muscle. Additionally, they will prevent the aging process and burn excess fat. Moreover, you won’t need any equipment to perform these exercises and they are quite easy so you can do them at home.

The Best Exercises for Belly Fat and Weight Loss

1. The Squat

  • Squats should be done regularly because they help you shape the whole legs and the butt.
  • These are the instructions on how to perform a proper squat:
  • Stay in standing positions and put your legs at hip’s width and your arms in front of your body.
  • Then, squat downwards while tightening the abs and the glutes. Bear in mind that you should keep the back straight.
  • Bounce with the buttock, up and down.
  • Do 3 sets with 15 repetitions. Moreover, as this exercise becomes easier, intensify it with dumbbells.

2. The Lunge

  • This exercise will target and strengthen your butt and the hamstrings. However, you shouldn’t perform this exercise if you experience some kind of a pain in your knees.
  • These are the guidelines:
  • Stay in a standing position with the legs at hip’s width.
  • Then, step with one leg forward and bend the knee at 90 degrees. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
  • Return to starting position, and then repeat with the opposite leg.
  • Do 3 sets of this exercise with 10-20 repetitions.

3. The Push-Up

  • The push-up exercise is effective for the upper mid-section and the triceps. Simply follow these steps:
  • Lie on the floor with your face down. Place your hands about 36 inches apart with your torso at arm’s
  • Then, lower with your chest until you almost touch the floor and inhale.
  • While exhaling, go back to starting position.
  • Take a brief break, and lower down again as many times you can.

4. The Pull-Up

  • This exercise is considered to be one of the most important ones as it helps you condition your back and biceps.
  • You should find a bar which can support your weight. A pull-up is done with your hands facing away from you. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
  • Grab a bar with a grip and hang all the way down.
  • Next, pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar and pause.
  • Then, lower all the way back down.
  • Wait a minute and do another set.

5. The Plank

  • This powerful exercise will strengthen your core and fortify the abdomen. These are the steps:
  • Get into push-up position on the floor, bend your elbows 90 degrees, and rest your weight on your forearms.
  • Your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.
  • Your wrists must be in line with your shoulders and your nose should face the floor.
  • Tight up your muscles and stay in this position for about 20-60 seconds. Breath in and out rhythmically.
  • Repeat this exercise three times.

6. The Spider Crawl

  • This exercise targets the center and increases the hips’ portability. Follow these guidelines:
  • Star in a prone position on the floor while supporting your weight on the hands and toes.
  • Bend your arms at 90 degrees. This is the starting position.
  • Then, raise one foot off the ground and bring the knee as forward as possible to the elbow.
  • Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

7. The Get Up/ Up-Down Plank

  • This amazing exercise will target the triceps and it will help you lose the underarm flab.
  • You should maintain a solid plank throughout the whole exercise. These are the instructions:
  • Start in a plank position with your hips still.
  • Lower your back to the elbows one arm at a time.
  • Halfway through, change your leading arm so you strengthen the other shoulder as you press up to your hands.

8. The Burpee

  • This exercise will make your heart pumping. Moreover, it will eliminate the stubborn belly fat.
  • It is much more effective than any other cardio exercise. These are the guidelines:
  • Start in standing position with your legs at shoulder-width apart.
  • Then, place the hands on the floor and kick your legs back so you end up with your stomach and thighs on the floor. Your elbows should be bent.
  • Next, press like in a push-up and push the hips up.
  • Jump your feet under your hips and stand.
  • Finish by jumping with your hands over your head.

9. Single-Leg Skater Squat

  • This cardio exercise will shed the extra pounds and fortify the knees and the legs. These are the steps:
  • Place a pad behind your leg and set your feet hip-width apart.
  • Transfer the weight on the dominant leg and keep your back straight.
  • Then, slowly descend by pushing your hips and butts backward.
  • Continue descending until the knee of your bent and raised leg lightly touches the pad.
  • Return slowly to starting position and do the move with the opposite leg.

10. Jumping Rope

  • This exercise will burn calories and tone your abs, legs, and arms.
  • The proper rope shouldn’t be past your armpits when you place your legs in the center and lift the handles. Follow these guidelines:
  • Jump 1-2 inches off the floor so the rope can slip under your feet.
  • You should move the rope with your wrists and forearms and not with your shoulders.

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