Cardiac Diet - Lose 10lbs in 3 days
Hi, Has anyone tried the 3 day cardiac diet also known as the 3 day Birmingham Cardiac Diet, 3 day Navy Diet, Tuna Fish Diet, Florida 3 Day Diet, or Alabama 3 Day Diet.
It claims that you can lose upto 10lbs in 3 days and was designed for patients who needed to lose weight quickly before their surgery.
Just eat responsibly for four days, then repeat the 3-day diet again!
Drink Lots of Water Too!
• An orange instead of grapefruit
• Tuna instead of cottage cheese and vice versa
• Frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
• Cauliflower instead of broccoli and vice versa
• Green beans instead of broccoli or cauliflower
• Beets instead of carrots
• A slice of toast instead of five crackers or vice versa
It claims that you can lose upto 10lbs in 3 days and was designed for patients who needed to lose weight quickly before their surgery.
Baca Juga
Just eat responsibly for four days, then repeat the 3-day diet again!
Day 1
- Black Coffee or Tea
- 1/2 Grapefruit or Juice
- 1 Slice of Dry Toast
- 1 Tbsp. of Peanut Butter
- Black Coffee or Tea
- 1/2 Cup of Tuna
- 1 Slice of Dry Toast or 1 Oz. of Cheddar Cheese
- 3 Oz. any Lean Meat
- 1 Cup String Beans
- 1 Cup Carrots or Beets
- 1 Small Apple
- 1 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
Day 2
- Black Coffee or Tea
- 1 Egg
- 1 Slice of Dry Toast
- 1/2 Banana
- Black Coffee or Tea
- 1 Cup of Cottage Cheese or 1/2 Cup of Tuna
- 5 Saltine Crackers
- 2 Beef Franks
- 1 Cup Cabbage or Broccoli
- 1/2 Cup Carrots or Turnip Greens
- 1/2 Banana
- 1/2 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
Day 3
- Black Coffee or Tea
- 5 Saltine Crackers
- 1 Oz. of Cheddar Cheese
- 1 Small Apple
- Black Coffee or Tea
- 1 Hard-Boiled Egg
- 1 Slice of Dry Toast
- 1 Cup Tuna
- 1 Cup Beans or Cauliflower
- 1 Cup Carrots or Beets
- 1 Cup Melon
- 1/2 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
Drink Lots of Water Too!
• An orange instead of grapefruit
• Tuna instead of cottage cheese and vice versa
• Frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
• Cauliflower instead of broccoli and vice versa
• Green beans instead of broccoli or cauliflower
• Beets instead of carrots
• A slice of toast instead of five crackers or vice versa